Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Belated V-Day...

... or as I was calling it "I'm So Happy I'm Single" Day. Which I wasn't really, but I'm trying to take a more positive approach to things. Did you all have a nice Valentine's Day? I actually found myself more distraught about being alone on Friday... which may have just been because I knew I wasn't doing anything the next day, so when plans also didn't formulate on Friday? I got a little down.

Valentine's Day for me brought me candy (chocolate and mallo creams that I bought myself and conversation hearts from my parents), 2 bottles of champagne, and an interesting horoscope. Yes, you read that correctly... 2 bottles of champagne. And since I've already said that I didn't have plans for the day, you can correctly infer that I did the damage to those 2 bottles all by myself. Which I normally would be horrified by, but I'm not. I think because I was in positive mood and I wasn't drinking to drink away my sorrows. Plus, I hadn't had anything to drink for about 3 weeks prior... so don't go thinking I'm an alcoholic! And the first one I opened, I struggled with, trying for about 5 minutes to get it opened. When it finally did, well let's just say I ended up wearing a lot of it... on my clothes, on my face, in my hair. And a good bit more ended up on the floor and, as I discovered yesterday, on my wall. So yeah. It clearly wasn't exactly 2 full bottles.

Anyway, so this horoscope. Let me preface this by saying that I don't normally read my horoscope. I think it's fun, but not something I seek out. I don't read too much into them because, well let's face it, most of them can be applied to anyone. But there I was, before the champagne drinking commenced, checking my email on Yahoo. They had an headline about your love horoscope for the day. I figured, what the hell, this could be good for a laugh. I was surprised, to say the least, when it told me, in practically these words to: get all dressed up, head to a hot nightspot by myself, pick out the hottest guy in the place, and have a one night stand with him.

Umm...? What kind of horoscope tells someone to do that?! Hilarious. Granted it also said that the one night stand could lead to something more, but I'm pretty sure it was quite okay with things if it didn't. Needless to say I did not follow my horoscope, although it might make for an interesting pick-up line to try sometime. Also, go me for not texting any exes after drinking that night! Anyone else have fun stories from the day?


Katie said...

No fun stories really, but you know what? Sometimes I wish I had the courage to get dressed up and go out by myself.

Auburn Kat said...

I had a wonderful VDay with myself! Seriously, I couldn't have asked for a better day!

Happy belated VDay!

Maria said...

nope i had a baby shower to go to :) so i had cake yum! :)