Monday, August 18, 2008

The definition of rambling

I don't have much to say today, which is bad news for everyone, since it means I will probably end up spitting out a lot of nonsense that is only semi-related to each other. And it will probably go on way longer than it needs to. Let's see, what should I start with...

Michael Phelps is ridiculous. And I mean that in the good way. I mean, he's not the cutest, but his swimming ability is insane and he looks phenomenol half naked. I enjoyed watching every single one of his races. The sad thing is that the things I look forward to most in the Summer Olympics are just about over. The swimming, gymnastics, and diving are really the ones I like the most. Track and field somewhat, but not as much as the other things I mentioned. so back in 1996, when the Olympics were in Atlanta, my family went to some of the events (which? Was awesome). Regardless, I was super bummed that we hadn't managed to get any tickets to see the gymnastics. So there we are, wandering around in between events when my parents start talking to another family. No, we didn't know them. No, we'd never seen them before. No, we had no reason to expect they were a nice, normal family (except maybe the fact that they had some kids too). Somehow they mention they have an extra ticket to the gymnastics, and the next thing I knew I'm off watching gymnastics by myself with some strange family. My parents actually let me go with complete strangers! And this was before cell phones. Granted I was 16 at the time, but still! Luckily, the family was just a very nice family and not a bunch of serial killers stalking teenage girls. But seriously, you know this wouldn't happen in this day and age. How times have changed...

Football starts soon. I'm way excited. Possibly for no other reason then it gives me something to do on Saturdays (and Sundays, but I'm much more into college football than NFL). I mean, I could seriously sit on my couch all day Saturday watching one football game after another. On into the night. By myself or with others, drinking or sober. Doesn't really matter. Which is good because right now Saturday night is the only time I feel a little lonely. I can be home with my dog doing nothing any night of the week, but on Saturday nights I feel alone and like a loser if I'm not out doing something. That was the case this past weekend. And granted, sometimes it's nice to have a Saturday night to myself. But only if I choose it. I was supposed to go out with S Saturday night, but something came up with her and by that time it was too late to try and make plans with someone else. Maybe that's why it was lonlier. Expecting to be going out and then not at the last minute can be a bit disheartening I guess. Anyway, this is why I'm looking forward to football season.

Boston continues to be the definition of mixed signals. Again, he always answers my texts or phone calls, or at the very least calls me back. And does so usually the same day. Yet we still haven't gotten together again, and its been over two weeks since we've hung out. Thursday night I called him. He was out at a bar with his softball team, and yet answered the phone. We chatted a couple minutes and he said he'd call me back when he left there. Which he did. He was at a friend's house and said, "I'd say you should come over here, but it's kinda late..." I then mentioned that I didn't have to work the next day, but he didn't take the bait and actually invite me over. And I wasn't gonna be all "Well I can come over, it's not that late." Then I texted him Friday night after my softball game telling him good luck at volleyball (the two of us are quite sporty, aren't we?!) and to call me later if he ended up doing anything. Well he texts me around 11:30 saying he was just hanging out at home watching the Olympics. By that time I was playing poker with my softball team so after texting back and forth for a bit I asked him if he wanted me to call him the next day if I did anything, and didn't get a response. So who knows what he's thinking. I would think if he wasn't interested he wouldn't still be answering my texts and phone calls. Of course I would think that if he was interested he would make more of an effort to want to see me again. Anytime we talk we always make vague references to getting together, but it just never works out. All I know is that I'm about to just give up. Although I have no other prospects and it's not like it's hurting anything to stay in contact. I don't know...

I went to a couple farmer's markets on Saturday with my mom. I loved it and think I should start making a habit of going more often. The produce is all locally grown and so inexpensive! It also made me want to have a vegetable garden. I do have a couple tomato plants this year, which is great, but I'd like more things. Luckily for me, my mom does have a vegetable garden so I get a lot of things from her.

Okay I guess I've done enough rambling for today. I wish I had more of a focus on something to talk about. I still feel like I'm in a funk, but now kinda with everything rather than just dating. I want to mix things up. Just gotta figure out how.

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