Friday, August 29, 2008

A brief politics discussion

I don't talk about politics to anyone. Ever. I don't think it's anyone's business who I'm voting for, or even whether I'm voting at all...

(Okay, fine, just so I don't get a bunch of comments telling me how important it is that I vote, I will at least say that I do plan on voting in this upcoming election. There. Happy?)

Anyway, I don't even talk to my parents about politics. I think that generally any discussion about politics can lead to heated debates, and I'm just not that interested in arguing with someone knowing that neither person will change their opinion. So I don't discuss it. That being said...

I think McCain's rumored (or maybe it's not a rumor anymore and it's actual fact) running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is an interesting choice. Now, understand that I'm saying that not knowing anything about her or her views. Literally it was just the fact that the first thing that crossed my mind when I read that was, "I wonder if he's choosing her in hopes that former Hilary supporters will just be happy having a woman in the White House as vice president and that will lead him to get more votes." Thoughts about that? Did anyone else think the same thing?

Okay, that's more politics than I usually discuss in about 4 years time, so I'm done.

(And for the record, just because I don't discuss politics does not mean I'm not informed!)

1 comment:

Maria said...

i thought so too! when i was younger i would ask my parents who they voted for and they always told me 'it was none of my business', so that's what i tell people now :)