Monday, September 29, 2008

Stupid cable company

I hate change. I will go into any change kicking and screaming. I like things to stay nice and even, and if they must change, gradual change is preferred. Or if it's something that is going to change, I like to know about it well ahead of time so I can mentally prepare myself for the newness of what's to come. I'm also really bad about making decisions. I will make list after list, trying to look at the decision from all sides. I will debate for weeks, going back and forth, until finally I absolutely HAVE to make a decision. I know these things about myself, and accept them graciously as part of my personality. More importantly, my family and friends know these things about me and somehow still love me.

So imagine my stress when I found out that my cable company may no longer show the CW. WHAT?! No more Gossip Girl? No More 90210? No more America's Next Top Model? I was informed of this by the CW (on a commercial) about a month ago, saying that effective October 2, Time Warner may not renew their contract. This stressed me out. What is a girl who doesn't like change or making decision going to do? I wrote Time Warner an email, asking them to reconsider and got a response to the effect of "usually these things work themselves out." That? Did not make me feel any better. So finally today, after weeks of debating, I decided to switch cable, internet, and phone providers. AT&T was already almost 2 weeks out in new installations, so I was concerned that if I waited until the 2nd, then I'd miss two weeks of shows, whereas if I did it now, I'd probably only miss one. Plus, I'm getting this new U-verse thing from AT&T, which is going to give me more channels, faster internet, and the ability to record 4 shows at once (as well as the CW) for slightly less than I was already paying. The decision seems pretty clear-cut when I put it that way, but man did I get agitated about it. The constant questions: What if I don't like the new service? What if it's more of a pain to get someone out to install something new? What if Time Warner does renew the contract and lowers my rates? What if... you get the picture.

I try to be better about not stressing out about small things like this, but it's hard.


chickbug said...

what? wait...I have Time Warner. Do I need to be concerned!?! I'm looking into this right away.

Maria said...

i'm always stressing about the small things...

Jenn said...

chickbug, I think this may be only in my area. I think you would have heard about it by now if it was going to effect you... the CW runs a commercial about it at almost every break.

ria, at least I know I'm not alone in stressing out!