Monday, October 20, 2008

Deja Vu

I swear I don't know how this keeps happening to me. I meet a guy, he acts interested, calls me all the time, and then out of the blue, he just starts ignoring me. WTF?!?!

I hadn't mentioned this guy on here, cuz I didn't want to jinx it or anything, but now I need to let it out. We played softball together all summer and this fall, and a week ago last Friday, we have some drinks after the games and end up making out. He says all the right things, seems so sweet and into me. Texts and calls me the next day, and then I hear from him Monday through Saturday, usually 2 or 3 times a day. And we see each other Friday again at softball. We hang out a little bit after the game and when we leave he hugs and kisses me a couple times. When I hear from him Saturday he said "your boy" (meaning him obviously) in the text. He tells me to call him when I'm done with my plans that night. I text him when I realize that what I was doing that night was going to take longer that originally thought and see what would be too late to call. And I get no response. So I don't get done that night (had gone to a haunted prison with friends about an hour and a half outside of the city) until about 1:30 am and decide not to call since it's late and I never heard from him. Call him Sunday to apologize for not calling Saturday and tell him to give me a call if he gets a chance. Still no word from him.

Now, I get that we aren't dating and are just talking and getting to know one another, but I don't understand how he can go from talking to me a couple times a day to nothing. Especially since every other time he's missed a call from me or hasn't called when he said he was going to, I get an apology text from him first thing the next morning. And this is coming from a guy who claims to hate being mean to anyone, wants to be nice to everyone all the time. Feels bad when he doesn't stop to help a stranded motorist on the side of the road.

Maybe I'm making too much of it. Maybe he still will call. But my past experiences tell me he won't. Maybe he's just been busy. But how long does it take to send a freaking text at least. Or make a quick phone call. All I ask is that he's honest with me. If you're no longer interested, say so. If you're gonna try to work things out with your ex (who he broke up with a couple months ago after 4 years), then tell me that. Don't just leave me hanging. Don't initiate anything if you're not interested. Don't start anything up if you're gonna stop after a week. Don't waste my time.

And what pisses me off the most is that I wasn't even looking for anything. I had made my six month rule to stop thinking about guys or looking for anyone, and it was working just fine. I was just chillin', living my life, not wanting anything to happen. And then he initiated all this. Made me want it, just to leave me back where I started. No, we didn't have sex or anything, but it made me want a relationship again. It makes me so sad that this can happen again and again.


Maria said...

i don't know why it's so hard for some people to just respond to a text. hello it will take 2 seconds! maybe he still will call but if he doesn't he wasn't worth it :P


Auburn Kat said...

Sadly, he just doesn't seem worth the effort. Men are supposed to make you feel good about them, not the opposite.