Monday, July 16, 2007

And they say we're confusing?

First and foremost, I would like to thank chickbug for linking to me in a recent post! So to any new readers that I may now have out there, hello and welcome!

Okay having said that, I think this post will actually not be about me as much as my friend at work. She's the one who's dating the guy who introduced me to the guy I went out with last week. Last I talked to her before today, everything was great with them. So imagine my confusion when I get on myspace last night only to discover I have a message from her dude. The message was basically "Why do women act they way they do? I'm confused and frustrated." I checked out his profile to notice that he had changed his status back from "in a relationship" to "single." Of course I assume something happened.

I get to work today and make a beeline to find her, wanting the scoop. Unfortunately, she didn't have a scoop to give me. She was confused about the message he had sent me and explained that they had gone out Saturday, everything was fine, they talked earlier in the day Sunday, and then they were talking aroun 1 in the afternoon and he said he was at the store and would call her back. He never called back. So what could she have possible done in that amount of time that would leave him vonfused and frustrated? And, for the record, why would he bring me in it at all? I mean, I didn't rush and send him a message after I went out with his friend to find out what was said... I don't get it. Neither does my friend. And, unfortunately for him, she had been thinking about moving up the date of sex... instead of 3 months of getting to know each other before doing the deed, she was thinking 3 weeks was kinda good enough.

I think men are more confusing than women for sure... not that I'm biased at all.

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