Tuesday, July 31, 2007

To do in this lifetime

Okay so I've been thinking about how I really do like my life, for all the complaining I do about men and dating and how much it all sucks (which it still does). Yet I still feel restless/unsatisfied and like I don't know what I'm doing with it. I know, it's the whole quarter-life crisis thing. I guess part of what sucks is that when I moved back here to my hometown, I felt like I had already been going through the quarter-life crisis and that I was coming back to get away from all that. I was excited. I was really, really happy. And then I moved back and almost immediately began dating the ex (within 2 and a half months, which is no small feat considering I moved back right at Christmas time and then my top priority was finding a place to live so as to not live with my parents anymore). This made me even more happy since it meant I had people to go out with, a guy who cared about me (alledgedly at least), a house, and a job. Life was great! Okay so the excitement wears off and I get comfortable in my relationship, and things are still good but starting to feel a little restless. And then, boom! Out of nowhere the ex breaks up with me and I'm lost. I mean, utterly, completely, 100% rock-bottom. I've been trying to climb up from there ever since. I'm making some headway, but I'd say I'm still at about 50-60% rock bottom (which, fine, isn't technically rock bottom). Okay, so this post has all of a sudden turned in a direction I wasn't planning on going...

My point being, I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing. I feel like I have no purpose and I want one. I want to be completely passionate about something. Which got me to thinking that I need to create a list of things I want to do before I die. I think that maybe if I create this list, it will inspire me to get off my butt and go do some of these things, and maybe from there I'll find something to be passionate about. I'll find something to feel a purpose. Now I don't want anyone out there to think I'm depressed, which fine maybe I am slightly (but who wouldn't be after a break-up, especially when the ex just disappears with no warning whatsoever). But I really am trying to focus on my job, my friends, my family, and getting back into the dating scene. And I really am doing better. I can actually even have days when I think of the ex in neutral terms, days that I don't curse his name and fall apart into tears when I think of him. But I think I've digressed again...

Okay, so the infamous list, or at least what I have so far:
1.) Learn how to play golf
2.) Have children (whether biological or adopted, with a man or without)
3.) Invest wisely
4.) Write a book
5.) Take a hip-hop dance class
6.) Learn interior decorating
7.) Take an extended trip to Ireland
8.) Research my ancestors
9.) Learn how to speak fluent Italian
10.) Learn more about wine (like what makes one a good wine and another a mediocre wine, besides the price!)

I'm going to keep working on it. I've at least started some of these things, but I want to get back to them. I'll let you all know how it goes.

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