Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Here's the thing...

I'm loving my eating better attitude. I got to add "good" carbs back in, technically starting yesterday, although I didn't have too many then either since I had cheated a little bit over the weekend. Totally not my fault, btw. I was at Bass's and he was ordering food for us and since I had lost my wallet (no worries, it's been found now) I didn't feel like I had too much control over what we ordered. Plus I hadn't eaten all day (it's amazing how you can kinda forget to to that when you're, ahem, otherwise occupied). So when he suggested pasta from an excellent Italian restaurant, who was I to argue. And I didn't go overboard or anything, so I'm not beating myself up over it. But I digress...

The thing about eating healthy is that I have to cook so much more than what I have been doing. And that? Means my kitchen is always a mess. I think I've ran the diswasher like 7 or 8 times in the last couple weeks, which may not sound like a lot, but I live by myself so they're all my dishes. Before I could make it through a week only running the dishwasher once, maybe twice. So I feel like all I do these days is cook or clean my kitchen. And everytime I feel like I'm getting somewhere with it, I make something else and the kitchen is a disaster once again. It makes me feel like I need to take a week off work just to get a handle on my house. I'm not the cleanest person BY FAR, but even I'm feeling overwhelmed by the chaos that has consumed my house since the eating healthy has resumed.

But I'm down 7.2 pounds so far. Not as much as I'd like, but definitely something. So I guess I can't complain about the messiness too much. It's helping me see results at least. And cleaning burns more calories than sitting on my butt watching TV does!

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