Wednesday, May 21, 2008

High School Reunion

So, my 10-year high school reunion is coming up this 4th of July weekend. I am... hmm, how do I feel about this? I'm actually pretty excited, I think. I wasn't super popular or anything in high school, I was pretty middle of the road. I was a cheerleader, but, strangely enough, I was probably quiet most of the rest of the time throughout school. I had friends who were more popular than me, and less popular than me, and that was fine with me. I've never been one to care about popularity. So I guess I'm excited not cuz I'm living in the past and want to go back to high school (NO WAY!) but moreso cuz I've grown so much and want to see how others have changed. Living in Miami for almost 8 years changed me a ton from who I was in high school, and I'm just much more confident about who I am. So I think it should be a good time. That being said...

I received my invite and immediately thought, oh Lord, now I have to actually think about getting back into shape. Now, I've lost a good bit of weight in the past couple years, but I'll admit that since The Reason and I broke up, my health hasn't always taken top priority. I like being active, playing softball, golf, etc., but not exercising for the sake of exercising. And I love my junk food. Basically I had been living my life almost as two different lives... Sunday through Wednesday I ate well. Thursday through Saturday it was like I wanted to see how much junk food I could get in. This has changed in the past week and a half, drastically for now. I basically have started a lower-carb diet, and have maintained it very well so far. I plan on doing this through this coming Sunday, which would be 2 weeks total. As of a week in, I was down 5 pounds. Then I'm going to add "good" carbs back into my diet... whole wheat pasta, brown rice, fruit (my God, FRUIT!), and whatnot. I may also add back in a "cheat" day, or at least a "cheat" meal where I can have whatever I want. But we'll see how it goes. So what about that exercise?

I got myself up this morning, headed over to Best Buy, and bought myself a Wii Fit. Now, I understand that this is a game and so who knows if I'll really see stupendous results or anything, but I figure it's a start. If it's getting me up and moving, doing yoga, balance games, and strength training, on a regular basis, that will at least get me started and more in shape to do actual exercise (like the 5K training that I would like to do).

I'm not saying I need to lose a ton of weight or anything, but I wouldn't mind being down another 10 to 15 before the reunion. I'll try to track my progress here, as boring as that might be to any of you readers, but maybe it will make me stay more focused.

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