Thursday, May 1, 2008

Travel and money

We were talking about that "Where in the World is Matt Lauer" segment today at work and it got me thinking about travel. Now, I don't claim to be an expert on this segment, having never seen it before, but I totally love the sound of it. To be able to just travel around the world, visiting foreign lands, gathering knowledge about the history and culture of different countries... that would be amazing. Which has me asking myself, "Well, what's stopping you?"

The answer is simple: money. But I know that it won't always be an issue. This past year I have done a lot to help my financial situation out... contributing to my 401(k) at work, paying off some debt (still lots to go, but getting there), reading and following financial advice from Suze Orman (financial goddess in my opinion), and just generally trying to save more money. I am also going to start keeping a money diary to see if there are other ways I can cut down on my spending.

My goal here is to plan a trip to Ireland. An extended trip. And I think a trip all by myself. I would love to feel confident enough to go to a foreign country alone and really immerse myself in the culture and history of it. And Ireland, for whatever reason, is a country I have always been fascinated by. I blame Nora Roberts for this, having read several of her romance novels that were set there as a teenager and, therefore, deciding that it must be the most magical, romantic country ever. I'm thinking planning this for sometime in 2010, to give me enough time to have the money for it and research exactly what I want to do while I'm there.

So, you've read it here first. And I fully allow any of you on future postings to shame me for buying things that I don't actually need rather than saving up for my trip. It would help me immensely!


chickbug said...

you know i've talked about my fear of traveling alone. so...great for you for wanting to do it by yourself! i totally need to get up the courage to do something myself.

Edger said...

traveling alone is amazing! i just got back from 3 weeks in costa rica and panama (well, just over the border in bocas del toro) and i met so many people and never felt alone at all. it's such a different dynamic and so easy to meet people. in fact, i'm now dying to do the whole 4 to 6 month backpack trip through central and south america. and while i did invite my sister, if she can't go, i'm going solo.