Monday, May 5, 2008

Tag - You're it!

I've been tagged by ChickBug... so here are some fun facts that you may not know about me. Enjoy!

The details:
-post the rules on your blog
-write six random things about yourself in a blog post
-tag six people in your post
-let each person know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
-let the tagger know your entry is up

1.) I took a cooking class recently where I learned how to make homemade pasta, from flour and eggs. Yesterday I attempted doing this myself at home... it was what I'm calling a beautiful disaster. It took me four and a half hours and my kitchen is still in shambles (the disaster part), but the end result was totally worth it!

2.) I admit that I broke out into a huge stupid grin when I got a text yesterday from the guy I've been talking to that said "Hey there hot stuff." I still can't tell if he's into me or just likes making out with me, but being called hot is always nice and I think a step in the right direction. And yes, I'm still grinning about it everytime I think about it.

3.) I would love to try my hand at flipping a house. This is something my mother and I have talked about in the past, but obviously the housing market is not primed for something like this right now. Plus, I feel as though I should wait until finances are a little less tight. But I think it would be so much fun to try at least once!

4.) Although I'm back living in C-bus (that's Columbus, Ohio for all of you who don't know), I am still addicted to Miami sports teams... the Dolphins, the Marlins, and (most importantly) the Hurricanes. I'm even known to watch/keep track of Marlins games on the computer since I don't get them on TV.

5.) Eyes freak me out. Not the pretty, everyday eyes. But anytime there's a horror movie and something happens with someone's eye... totally grosses me out! I can see as much blood and gore with other parts of the body, but not eyes.

6.) My dad still mows my lawn. I realize this makes me sound spoiled (and maybe I am a little, but I appreciate everything my parents still do for me), but he actually enjoys it. He's the type of person who always has to have something going on. He can't take it if he has nothing to do. Plus, often when I'm planning on mowing myself, he comes over and does it before I have the chance.

Okay so not too many people read my blog, so anyone who has left comments for me is fair game in my opinion. That being said, I'm tagging... Jamie, Edger, and Simply Taylor.


Jamie said...

I did my tag!

Simply Taylor said...

Eyes freak you out???

Haha-Try Pans Labyrinth!?!? There is a character in the film that is insanely creative!

Plus the new Hell Boy 2 is going to be done by the director that did Pan's so the cinematography and the costumes will very much mimic the previous Guillermo's films!

Im about to post....SO TAG!