Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bitchin about dating

This one will be full of complaints. You've been sufficiently warned.

I'm tired of dating. Yes, yes I know I've said this repeatedly, especially recently. Let's just say, though, that I'm tired of guys acting one way when you're together and then never hearing from them.

Example one: back sometime last fall I met a guy out and about and we really hit it off. We had a great night together, made out a bit, he asked for my number. He called me as soon as I left his car and got into my own that night so that I'd have his as well and told me to text him when I got home that night to make sure I got there safe. Even though I called him a couple times, I never heard from him again after than first night.

Example two: M. You may remember him from previous posts, but we met through friends, started talking/flirting and hanging out practically every weekend, and then one weekend we slept together (a drunken decision that I'm not too thrilled with, but life's too short for regrets, so c'est la vie). The next morning, everything seemed fine and he mentioned something about getting together that week to go see a movie. He never called and when we saw each other out the next weekend, he ignored me and pretty much has ever since.

Example three: I'm not going to get into too many details with this one... but this past weekend there was a guy who seemed great and nice. Sweet as could be. He put his number in my phone since his was dead and told me to call him. Texted him yesterday, never heard back. Now I know, I could come up with a thousand reasons why I didn't hear back from him and tell myself that he still may call, but I guess that given my recent history with guys I'd rather be cynical and assume he was just another jerk, so I don't end up hurt.

Funny thing about Example three is that I felt butterflies with him. Was physically nervous (hand shaking so much I had many typos in my text to him that I had to keep correcting) about contacting him. Basically felt like I hadn't about any guy for a while. Yeah there's Bass, and San Francisco, who are fun to hang out with and whatnot, but I didn't feel like this with them. It was like giddy school-girl crush status, which is stupid, but which is also why I don't want to go into many details. For some reason want to keep this one more secret.

I'm tired of dating, but also don't want to end up alone, so I guess I just have to suck it up. At least I have my blog to bitch about it.

1 comment:

Daria said...

Thanks for posting about this stuff Jenn. I just searched for "Single in your 20s" and this came up. I'm going through everything you write about. I seem to hit it off with a guy, we go out a couple of times, text a ton, and then all of a sudden they disappear into jerk oblivion. I don't get it, I really don't. Dating is tough man. I think when it's the right person it'll just flow and you won't have to worry about games and disappearing. At least I hope...