Monday, July 28, 2008


First, let me say I apologize for the time away from the blogging last week. I wish I could say it was due to something fun, but alas, I was ill. Not too bad, just no energy, which apparently was due to a virus. But I'm feeling better and back.

I want to discuss cheating. When did our generation start feeling as if cheating was no big deal? Twice in the past couple weeks, I've heard two different people in two different sitations (one male and one female) say "well making out with someone else isn't cheating." I'm sorry, hold up... what?

Sure making out with someone else isn't as bad as sleeping with someone else, but it's still cheating in my mind. If I call a guy my boyfriend, and he calls me his girlfriend, then making out with anyone else would be cheating! Now, if we're just casually dating, haven't discussed making it official, haven't gotten serious, then fine. Make out with whoever, whenever. (Clearly from my previous blogs, you'd know that's how I feel since it seems like I'm making out with someone new every weekend).

I'm not even saying that making out with someone else is something I wouldn't be able to forgive. But that would depend on the situation, the circumstances, etc. And if I chose to forgive, I would forgive it once and only once. But just because I'd be willing to think about forgiving doesn't mean it isn't cheating.

Am I the only one who is still naive enough to think that once I'm in a relationship with a guy he won't be making out with anyone else? Or should I start thinking like more of our generation and assume that my man might be making out with other girls? And if even women feel this way... man I feel hopeless to ever find a guy who doesn't.

1 comment:

chickbug said...

i absolutely agree with you. cheating is cheating. even emotional cheating (emails, overly flirtatious) equals cheating in my book.