Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I seem to have gotten myself into a pretty, pretty little pickle, and so I implore any reader out there, even if you just happened upon my blog while trying to procrastinate from doing something you really don't want to do, to give me some insight as to what to do next. Sometimes I can't see things clearly for myself, and need all the help I can get.

Okay, so if you read my blog regularly, or semi-regularly, you know about this guy Bass who I've been seeing. If you're here for the first time and desperately need background knowledge of Bass, you can read about it here, here, and here. So a couple weeks ago, Bass wasn't feeling well, and being the nice person that I am, I took him soup one night. I would do this for anyone I'm dating or friends with, so I saw no big deal in doing this. That's just how I am. After that night, I literally didn't hear from him for like 5 days, and even then it was short. I didn't actually see him again after taking him soup for two weeks. And we had been seeing each other at least once a week for like 5 or 6 weeks at this point, so I was a bit perturbed. But again, he said he wanted to take things slow, he wasn't ready for a relationship, he liked me but wanted to keep things casual for now and see how it all went. Fine.

So then finally, last Tuesday, he texts me and asks what I'm doing that night. I said I wasn't sure since I might be going out with some friends. When plans with my friends fell through I asked if he wanted me to join him for a drink while we watched the NBA game. He said sure, so I met him at the bar he was already at, where he had been drinking. Now, this is a bar he goes to regularly, where he knows pretty much everyone there. I come in, we say hi, he's kinda all over the place talking to people. I pretty much decided to let him do his things, and I'd stay put at the bar, and he could come back to me as he pleased. Well this guy, we'll call him San Francisco, came over and was talking to me. He knows Bass, knows I was there with Bass, and asks if Bass is my boyfriend. I explain that he's not but we'd been talking for a few weeks. San Francisco proceeds to sit next to me and talk to me for most of the night. Bass comes back periodically and doesn't seem to care that I'm talking to this other guy. Anyway, I give San Francisco my phone number when he asks for it and we make plans to get together the next day. I leave with Bass and go back to his house for the night.

Fast forward to Saturday. I meet up with Bass at this same bar with my friend S, and San Francisco is there also. We're all having a good time, and things seem good. I once again leave with Bass and go back to his place. Well San Francisco texts me when I'm hanging out with Bass, who claims that it must be a booty call for me. When he texts again, Bass grabs my phone to see who it is, not in a mad way but in a playful way. He sees that its San Francisco and kinda gets jealous. I explained that I was there with him, so not to worry about it. Now Bass seems a little jealous and I haven't heard from him in a couple days, even though I've texted him. He did call me Sunday, so I don't think he's too mad at me, or he wouldn't have called me then, right? I wasn't trying to hurt Bass or piss him off, so I don't know how to handle this at this point.

Here are the questions that I'm wrestling with regarding this mess: do I apologize to Bass? I don't really feel like I did anything wrong, except maybe the fact that the other guy I'm talking to is someone Bass knows. Do I explain to Bass that I like him, but I've been burned too many times in the past waiting around for a guy to decide what he wants, which is why I gave my number to someone else? Do I tell San Francisco that I can't date/talk/whatever him out of respect for Bass? (Sidenote: San Francisco and I did hang out last Wednesday. He kissed me a couple times, and I've heard from him every day except for one since then, but he hasn't made any plans to get together with me again although he says he wants to.) Do I quit overanalyzing it and just let the chips fall where they may, knowing that if Bass still likes me he'll eventually come around, and that if San Francisco likes me he'll eventually make plans with me? I like Bass. I don't know if I like him enough to be "exclusive" cuz I know he has a lot of relationship issues. But at the same time, I don't want to stop seeing him right now either. And I'm not sure if I like San Francisco cuz I haven't spent enough time with him to really know what he's all about. So I don't really want to make waves there either. So I don't know what to do at this point. So please, HELP!

And it's situations like this that make me say that I'm really, really bad at dating.

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