Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Another date

So I went out with this new guy last night... and we proceeded to get totally smashed. He (wrongly) thought it would be good idea to have that one last shot of tequila, after having two vodka tonics, two other tequila shots, a lemon drop, and a Miller light. I (wrongly) agreed with him. I paid for it this morning. I woke up with a headache and upset stomach after about 5 and a half hours of sleep. Thankfully, I'm feeling better now. I no longer feel as if I might die any second. And I think I may just manage to stay awake the rest of the day in order to see my patients. Yay me!

But back to the date... I think I might like him. He was funny, nice, cute, and we had a lot in common. The alcohol, of course, also made us think it would be a good idea to make out. So we did. We were all sorts of PDAing at the bar. Shame on us! But still, it was nice. We're supposed to get together tonight, which I would be looking forward to a lot more if I wasn't exhausted. Maybe we can go out to dinner and then he can come back to my place to veg out in front of some realisty television (one of both of our guilty pleasures)... but then again I don't want to send the wrong signal. Plus I have just met him so maybe I don't want him to know where I live just yet. I guess we'll see. Going out for dinner would be a plus though... I've been craving Greek food lately...

1 comment:

Jamie said...

sounds fun!!! i'm hopeing to have a night like that tonight!!!