Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What was I thinking?

Every muscle in my body aches. I move even slightly and I'm in pain. Evil bikini bootcamp! As I blogged about yesterday, I have decided to undertake this program to jump-start my healthy eating and exercise habits again. I'm all sorts of excited about the possibilities it brings: losing weight!, tighter body!, more self-confidence! Or at least I was excited about it.

It's a lot easier to be excited about something, and determined to see it through, when your body doesn't feel as if you were run over by a school bus (like the reference to it being back to school time?!). It would also be a lot easier if it was one of those programs where you eased into it or where you only did circuit training (read: strength training) every other day. And that is what is encouraged after the 2 weeks on the program. For now, however, the only relief I get is not having to do core strengthening every day. That (which works the abs and lower back mostly) gets done every other day. Now part of the circuit training I do every day does involve exercises for those muscle groups also, so it's not really a break, just 20 minutes less every other day. I'm still going through with it though. I'm still determined, even if it means I feel like this forever. I know after a few days my body should be used to it and I won't ache as much, but it's hard to focus on that right now.

One thing I really do like about this program is how it's really a whole body thing. Body and mind. You do meditation every day, which allows for release of negative emotions (which I've had plenty of lately). It also incorporates journal writing, which allows you to vent about anything and everything, helping you gain perspective and clear your mind. And my favorite part (which I'll admit I didn't actually do yesterday because it would have meant another shower, which I just didn't have time for)? At-home spa treatments! A little pampering for your weary soul after the all day workouts. Yesterday I was supposed to do something to my hair, but as I said I didn't have time for the extra shower that required. Today, however, I fully plan on taking the time to enjoy an avocado facial mask. I'll let you know how it goes.

Anyone else trying to get back in shape? It always helps to go through these things together, so I'd love to hear your stories.

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