Sunday, June 24, 2007

crazy weekend

So I never really did get to the festival I wanted to go to with my ex this weekend. I mean, I went out with a couple friends and we went there to see another friend, but then left after about 20 minutes cuz it really wasn't their scene. I figure I can use that to make my ex feel guilty... not that I think it will work, but in a perfect world...

Anyway, my friends and I did have a lot of fun. We went to a local bar that had a DJ spinning and danced the night away. We met some Canadian suits who kept feeding us drinks, which kept our individual bar tabs pretty low. It was a good night, and we all made it home in one piece. Although we were feeling it the next day... we all took naps and didn't even shower until we had to get ready to go out that night. We basically did a repeat of Friday night, except at a different bar and minus the suits. This other bar was full of some crazy people... and so we of course made fun of most of them the whole night. Not in a mean way, just for our own amusement. Trust me, you all would have done the same.

So basically it was a very unproductive weekend. I tried to be productive today and go to the grocery store. I made a list, planned out dinner for the rest of the week, drove over there, and got all my groceries in my basket. It was at that point, when I was standing in line for about 5 minutes that the store made an announcement that they were having technical difficulties at the registers and we would be experiencing significant delays. Okay, so I decided to wait it out. About 5 minutes later they came around saying they could only accept cash or check right now and it could be an hour or more before they could take credit or debit, which of course is all I had. So thats when I left.

Still haven't had any contact with the ex. The more I think about it, the more I know I need to talk to him about how I feel. Problem being that means I have to talk to him, and I don't want to be the one to contact him. I keep hoping he'll realize I'm mad and call me to apologize or at least talk to me. Or even if he doesn't realize I'm mad, maybe he'll call or email just to say hi, since we're allegedly casually dating. I just hope that I have the strength to talk to him about it, whether I hear from him or whether I contact him.

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