Monday, June 11, 2007

Welcome to blogspot!

Well... here I am, jumping into the world of blogging. Although as I think about it, I may have started a previous blog either on this site or another and never went back to it after a few posts. So I guess I'm really just trying again.

A little about the title I chose for this blog... generally speaking these days I'm feeling a little unsatisfied with my life. Not to say I'm not happy, because I am a happy person most of the time. But I often feel like my work and down-time leave a lot to be desired. I'll get more into that in another post. However, I have great hope and optimism for the future. Hence, the "un" part of unsatisfied in the title is in parentheses.

Also, like the title says, I'm a twenty-something. Okay, I'm 27... but I'm hoping that I will continue to blog for at least a bit of time, and that I won't always be the same age as I continue through this journey. I got my inspiration for bloggin by my friend Megan, who started I've enjoyed reading her posts and think its great that she actually has built up a following... it may be mostly her friends, or it may be more than that, but maybe one day I too will get to chickbug levels of posts!

Okay, I think I'll stop rambling for now... but I will be back, so if you happened to find this and enjoyed it, come back to read more of my wandering mind!

1 comment:

Bree Barton said...

Hi Jenn,

I stumbled across your blog after google searching "twentysomething." Your blog title pretty much describes me, too (and probably a whole host of other twentysomethings...or so I'm hoping). Anyway, nice to know that if nothing else, we at least have camaraderie. My blog-- my own attempt to figure out life in the 20s. Check it out if you want...I'm hoping it will help keep me (at least a little) sane.

Anyway, nice to know there are other twentysomethings who don't have it all figured out, either.

Good luck to you in all you do.

