Monday, June 11, 2007

Reason #1

Okay, so if I'm (un)satisfied right now with aspects of my life... you may find yourself asking why. A main source of frustration for me is my job. I went to grad school and got a master's degree in pediatric psychology. I chose not to get my Ph.D. for various reasons, which means that (in the state of Ohio) I can do everything I've been trained for except therapy. This sounds great, right? Wrong. Because the definition of what "therapy" is is so up in the air, it makes it hard to find things I am able to do. Currently I work in a pediatrician's office. And it happens to be my mom's office, so that does make it a little nicer. However, having worked here for a little over a year... I still have mostly days where I see no paitents. I'm lucky to get more than 2 days a week where I actually see any patients. I have one patient this week. This makes for a lot of days just sitting around, bored out of my mind. Now, I have friends who say "That's great! You get paid to just sit there." Yes, that's true. But omg, there's only so many hours of playing computer games and playing on the internet you can do before you start to lose your mind. Oh, I have programs I'm working on developing for work and all, but still... if I actually sat down and just did that all day, I'd be done in a day, and the rest of the week would be full of games and internet once again. So I space out my work... a little each day, so I can feel somewhat productive everyday. Plus, if I'm playing games and wandering around the internet all day, it leaves me very little to do in the evenings (which will be a subject for a later post). And, when you really get right down to it, I'm not sure if these types of things are what I WANT to be doing, even if I DID have patients on a regular basis. Problem being, I'm not sure what else I would do... so there I am.

I promise, not every post will be a mess of complaints. I figure, the reason I started this was to get these complaints off my chest, and then maybe find some satisfaction in other things to post about. The first few posts, though, may be a little long-winded and discouraging. Keep with me, and soon I'm sure I'll be looking up.

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