Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I live alone...

...which means that I don't have to do a lot around the house to keep it at the level where I'm happy with it. This is reason numero dos that I feel fairly unsatisfied with my life at present. I mean, think about it... I don't have anyone I have to clean up for, I don't mind leaving dirty dishes for a few days, I don't have to put my laundry away right away (or ever really!). Now, yes I should probably do these things on a more regular basis. But when you've spent all day sitting around at work, being bored, you don't really want to come home and clean house all evening. This often leads me to sit around and watch TV, while maybe having my computer on to check out more stuff on the internet. Now, don't get me wrong. I like a clean house as much as anyone. And if I lived with someone, I'd make more of an effort to keep my space clean. Which maybe would mean being more satisfied. Beofre you go thinking I'm living in filth, however, I do at least straighten up a little on a daily basis. Not full-blown cleaning, but something to feel productive and pleased with myself. It just makes me all the more bored... and therefore, not completely satisfied.

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