Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bullet point highlights

  • I know it may seem silly to most people, since we were together for only a month, but I feel like I'm emotional garbage cuz of this Juice thing. Most of the time, if I'm busy, I don't think about it. I go about my life, getting stuff done, focusing on me. And then, it will all of a sudden hit me and next thing I know I'm bawling my eyes out while watching a woman's weight-loss journey on the Style network. Garbage (not the show, me). And I go back and forth between feeling like everything will all work out the way it's supposed to, to feeling like I'm sad cuz I finally found a guy who says and does all the right things and he can't be with me, to feeling like I should fight for him and let him know exactly how much he means to me and what I will do for him. Most of the time these emotional roller-coaster episodes end just as quickly as they start and pretty soon I'm back to doing other things. but I don't like it. Emotional garbage. That's me.
  • I may get to go to the Ohio State-Michigan game!! S's step-dad has a line on some tickets and, while neither of us can afford to buy them outright, we can pay some upfront and my parents are willing to pay the difference (which we will pay back) so we can go. This may not seem like a big deal to some... but in C-bus, this game is pretty much all that matters. Yes, we always want to win. Yes, we want to go the national championship. But we consider it a winning season if all we do is beat Michigan. So this years game may not be the thriller it always is (considering Michigan's, well, lack of winning this year), but it would still be a blast to go to.
  • I've been in a charitable mood lately. I filled up a box of old clothes and gave it to the Volunteers of America. I pledged to give money to Children's Miracle Network. I've already bought 40 cans of food to donate to our yearly food drive (and want to get to at least 100 before it's over). And I've been thinking about starting a nonprofit organization for childhood obesity. Partly, this is because I work with a lot of kids who are overweight at my office (as part of the Healthy Kids program there), but it doesn't feel like enough. Many of the familys can't afford to pay anything for the program, so we're basically doing it for free anyway. And if I started a nonprofit, maybe we could get governmental funding to help pay for other things that I think the kids would benefit from. Now, granted, a lot of times I have very lofty ideas and goals that never get off the ground. But let's just say I'm doing my research.
  • As I briefly mentioned yesterday, my birthday is coming up. It's one week from today actually. It will mark the beginning of age 29. My last year as a twenty-something. I have some mixed feelings about this. I definitely thought I'd be in a much different place at 29 than I actually am. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing. I love my life. Could I be happier? Yeah, of course. But I'm working on it. And I think that 29 will be the best year ever. Mark my words.


Auburn Kat said...

It's weird how some relationships really effect us...sometimes they are short and other times they are long. Hang in there, I promise it will get better!

Maria said...

it's ok to be emotional about it, it's the only way we can deal with it. it hasn't been that long so don't be so hard on yourself. good for you being so generous, i should sign up for some charitable stuff. hehe yeah the ohio state-michigan game probably won't be too thrilling ;)