Monday, November 17, 2008

Warning: Stolen Idea Ahead

Brandy, over at It's like I'm... mmmagic!, not too long ago wrote about songs that held special memories for her. I told her I was going to steal the idea. I just needed to figure out which ones had good memories to go with them. And I've finally got a short list compiled. So, here we go!

1.) Brown-Eyed Girl, by Van Morrison. This may seem odd to anyone who knows me, considering I have blue eyes. (Really, more blue-grey, but I guess that's splitting hairs). I was in Hawaii (the same trip I wrote about here) and met a cute boy at a luau. We spent the entire night talking, joking, a little bit of kissing. It was wonderful. Anyway, on the bus ride back he and I sat together. Holding hands, more kissing. Awwww. So the tour guide guy at the front of the bus was singing songs and playing the ukulele to entertain us for the trip. He's getting ready to sing this song and asks if there's any brown-eyed girls on the bus. Without even looking at me to see what color my eyes were (after all, he had only met me a few hours before), he yelled out, "No, she's got blue eyes!" And then leans in closer to me and says, "Beautiful blue eyes." Every time I hear this song, it brings me back to that moment and makes me smile and have faith in men.

2.) Strawberry Wine, by Deanna Carter. It was fall of 1997. I was 17. And this song almost perfectly fits with what was going on in my life. It talks of first love, which is exactly what I was going through at the time. I had just lost my virginity to the man I really believed I was going to spend the rest of my life with. Turns out? Things didn't work out quite the way I thought it would. (Don't get me wrong, we were together for another 3 years). But everytime I hear this song, I go back to being lost in love with him. And then the line "Is it really him or the loss of my innocence, I've been missing so much?" hits home and I realize that I miss what I had with him and want it again, just with someone else.

3.) So Sick, by Ne-Yo. St. Patrick's Day 2007. The Reason and I had broken up 3 days earlier. I debating even going out to celebrate the holiday, since I was clearly devastated by the end of our relationship. But, I dragged myself out to celebrate with my Irish Friend and her fiance. We consume several shots, drink good Irish beer, and even have some whiskey. Around 1 in the morning, we decide to go to a different bar and on the cab-ride over this song comes on the radio. Irish Friend and I start singing it at the top of our lungs, "I'm so sick of love songs, so tired of tears, so done with wishing you were still here." It was exactly how I felt at the moment. I was sick of thinking of him. We got to the bar and made the cab driver stay there while we finished listening to the song and danced in the street.

4.) Buy You a Drink (or Buy U a Drank), by T-Pain. July-ish of 2007. S and I had known each other at work for a few months, but that's where we left it. One Friday, she and I decide we should go out together that night, since we were both trying to get over stupid men. Problem was? Since neither of us went out all that often, we had no idea where to go. So we ended up driving around for a couple hours, checking different places out and not really liking anything we came upon. We heard this song about 5 times as we drove around the entire city of Columbus, including a ride through one of the most ghetto areas. Having heard it so often we decide it's now officially "our song." Finally, we make it downtown and come upon a bar/club and decide to roll down the window to see if we can hear any music coming from it. Lo and behold, you guessed it! We hear "our song" and decide it's a sign. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Anyone else out there have any songs that hold special memories for them?

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