Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I Got Shot Last Night

No, not really. In my dream. It was way too vivid. In the dream, I was aware that there was someone who wanted to shoot me, but I didn't know who it was and there were a bunch of people around. I remember turning around, making eye contact with this guy (who was very clean-cut, not at all the type of guy you would think would shoot you) (and cute, which is really f*ed up). And then he pulls out a gun and shoots me. It goes through me and comes out my back. I wake up with my back twitching. You'd think that would be the end of it...

So after I woke up with my twitching back, I reposition myself and fall back asleep. And the dream continues. But now I'm at work so that one of the doctors can look at the gunshot wound (which also makes no sense, considering I work at a pediatrician's office). As I'm waiting to be seen, out comes the guy who shot me and no one would call the police or anything. He ends up stealing my chart, which has all my information like where I live. So now I feel like I can't even go home because he's going to come to my house and finish the job. So I decide that I should get a hold of OSB to come stay with me to protect me. That's when I wake up for real and have no more scary dream.

So I looked up getting shot on an online dream dictionary things and it said this: "To dream that you are shot, represents a form of self-punishment that you may be unconsciously imposing on yourself. You may have done something that you are ashamed of or are not proud of. If you are shot and come back as a different person, then it indicates that you want to start fresh. You want to wipe the past away and literally become a new person."



Maria said...

i hate those vivid scary dreams. i miss having my dream dictionary. i had a dream last night that 3 of my tires/wheels on my car were stolen. lol

Maria said...
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